Third Party/Sponsorship Billing
What is Third Party Billing?
When a private, government, or scholarship granting agency pays any portion of your
tuition & fees, they are considered a Third Party Sponsor. The sponsor is billed by
the University and payment is forwarded directly to CSU, by the sponsor.
What is required to participate in Third Party Billing?
There is one (1) document required for each enrollment period to be covered by third
party billing:
An official billing request/voucher/billing authorization document from your third
party sponsor is required for every semester that the third party sponsor is willing
to pay.
How does the Third Party Billing work?
Once all student charges are final for the semester (student inelligable to drop a
course and receive a “W” grade), CSU bills each third party sponsor based on the guidelines
provided by that agency or company. We list tuition, fees, books and parking (when
applicable) on invoices sent. We may also report any Federal PELL Grant and/or Illinois
MAP Grant awards received, if required by your third party sponsor.
Please be advised that CSU's Office of the Bursar cannot guarantee that the payment
made by your third party sponsor will be equal to the invoiced amount. Please refer
to your third party sponsor for sponsorship eligibility and requirement details.
- Find out what your sponsor's requirements are to receive your funds.
- Find out what the sponsor commits to pay on your behalf.
- You are responsible for paying your portion of the bill by the due date; otherwise,
your account may be assessed late payment fees.
- The University bills the sponsor for sponsored expenses on your behalf.
An official billing request/voucher/ authorization document, from your third-party
sponsor, is required for every semester that the third-party is willing to pay. All
authorization letters MUST include the following information:
- Name, address, and contact information of Third-Party Agency
- Student’s name
- Student’s UID (University Identification Number)
- The academic term(s) and amount being covered by the authorization
- Name and contact information for the billing point of contact
- Preferred method of invoice delivery (email, fax, direct mail) and the corresponding
billing information
- Third-Party billing will take place after the last day classes can be dropped with
a “W” grade (consult the academic calendar for semester-specific dates). Third-Party
sponsors generally don’t pay for classes that student’s have withdrawn from.
- UPS CRCP & Earn and Learn billing takes place up to 14 days after grades have posted
for each semester. UPS requires that CSU include a grade report with each invoice
- Any and all payments applied to your CSU account will be applied toward any and all
outstandingbalances in the order in which they post to your account(this excludes
balances not yet due).
- This rule applies to Financial Aid disbursements and 3rd party payments received on
your behalf.
- Refunds will only be processed when and if your 3rd party payment creates a credit
balance (-$X.XX) on your CSU account.
- It is not Chicago State University’s policy to pay out refunds when a balance is due
on a student account.
In Person: Bursar’s Office
Cook Administration Building, Suite 213
Mailing Address:
Chicago State University
Bursar’s Office
Attn: Third-Party Billing Coordinator
9501 S. King Dr., ADM 213
Chicago, IL 60628
Fax: (773) 821-2510
It is the student’s responsibility to assure that the proper billing authorization/voucher
is submitted to Chicago State University’s Bursar’s Office. Follow up with your contact
at the third-party agency paying your educational expenses. Then you will need to
contact Chicago State University’s Third-Party Billing Coordinator to confirm that
all required paperwork has been received.
Contact CSU’s Third-Party Billing Coordinator:
Danielle Land
(773) 995-2470
- You are legally responsible to pay the full cost of your educational expenses if your
sponsor does not pay.
- You are responsible for paying any balances, not covered by your third-party sponsor,
by the published due date for that semester. Failure to pay balances not covered by
your third-party agreement are subject tolate fees, if not paid by the balance due
Please contact your Third-Party Billing Coordinator to discuss status of payment.
In order to receive a transcript, your Chicago State University account balance must
be zero. You can pay off your balance and be reimbursed once your third-party sponsor
makes payment that creates a credit balance (-) on your CSU account.
Student education records, other than publicly available directory information, are
private and shall not be disclosed except as appropriate to the following: Appropriate
persons or agencies in connection with a student's application for, or receipt of,
financial aid to determine eligibility, amount or conditions of financial aid, and
to enforce the terms and conditions of the aid.